


nine planets hawan

Navagraha Havan, also known as Graha Shanti Havan, is a ritual performed to appease the nine planets (Navagrahas) and mitigate their adverse effects on an individual’s life. The nine planets influence various aspects of life and have the power to bring about significant changes.

This havan involves invoking the Navagrahas, chanting the Navagraha Mantras, and performing the havan to receive the blessings of these planets.

When to Perform Navagraha Havan

The ideal time to perform the Navagraha Havan is determined by the individual’s Janma Nakshatra (birth star) and the auspicious combination of Yoga and Thithi (specific lunar day).

Benefits of Navagraha Havan

– Reduces the malefic effects of the nine planets.
– Eliminates negative energy and Drishti (evil eye).
– Addresses various doshas (flaws) in a person’s horoscope, such as career issues, financial problems, delayed marriage, frequent illnesses, and delayed childbirth.

Key Information

– Purpose: To remove Navagraha dosh and achieve Graha Shanti.
– Based on: The individual’s horoscope.
– Performed on: An auspicious day according to the Janma Nakshatra.
– Main Deity: Navagrahas (Nine Planets).
– Main Ingredients: Nava Dhanyams (Nine grains).


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