



Welcome to ZARADISEASTRO, your trusted source for spiritual guidance and remedies. According to the scriptures, any person with planetary defects in their horoscope should perform Navgraha Shanti Puja. By engaging in this sacred ritual, it is believed that one can attain freedom from all defects related to the Navagraha. The nine forms of Maa Durga are highly revered during Navratri, a period considered extremely auspicious in Hinduism. Devotees fast and worship Goddess Shakti for nine days, seeking to please Goddess Durga and fulfill their wishes while removing all troubles. Astrology suggests that the nine planets, or Nav Grah, reside in Goddess Durga. Thus, alongside worshiping her, devotees also perform Navgraha Shanti Puja to alleviate the negative effects of these planets.

Navgraha Shanti Puja involves chanting the Navgrah mantra and other shanti mantras to seek the blessings of all nine planets: Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu. These planets play a crucial role in human life, influencing both positive and negative events. People perform Navgrah Shanti Puja or Navgrah Samman to seek blessings for themselves and their families, especially when facing long-term obstacles in personal or professional life.

Navgraha Shanti Puja is particularly important when the nine planets are not favorably positioned in a person’s horoscope. An experienced astrologer can examine the birth chart and determine the effects of the planets, thereby identifying the auspicious time for the ritual. This puja is essential for those facing issues such as Kaal Sarp Dosh, which can cause problems in marital and professional life, or when Rahu and Ketu have a strong influence in the horoscope. The ritual often includes chanting the havan mantra and performing a havan for all deities associated with the Navgrah.

At ZARADISEASTRO, we provide online puja services, including the Navgraha Shanti Puja and the chanting of the Navagraha shanti mantra. We also offer the Navgrah yantra and puja books to guide you through the process. Our services aim to reduce the negative effects of the Navagraha and ensure that all your wishes are fulfilled. Whether you need the shanti path mantra or the mantra for Rahu, our comprehensive offerings cover all your spiritual needs. Explore the significance of Navagraha temples and the benefits of performing Navgraha Shanti Puja to bring peace and prosperity into your life.


– Pacifies malefic planets and strengthens benevolent planets
– Removes obstacles from professional and personal life
– Recommended for those facing obstacles, delays, struggles, or losses/disharmony in career, business, and family life
– Blesses with good health, prosperity, harmony, and success in all spheres of life
– Removes all Vastu Doshas and provides longevity
– Prevents thefts, accidents, and sudden death
– Bestows virtuous children who uphold and advance the family lineage
– Removes all planetary doshas, making life easier and more meaningful


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